2025 Holy Week Services: Sunday, April 13 Palm/Passion Sunday (10:30 am); Thursday, April 17 Maundy Thursday Service (7 pm); Friday, April 18 Ecumenical Good Friday Service at Park Church (12 noon); Sunday, April 20 Easter Sunday followed by an Easter Egg Hunt in the BIC playground (10:30 am).
At Bethlehem Church we welcome all of God’s children. We welcome people of every age, size, color, culture, faith, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, marital status, ability, and challenge.
ALL are welcome here!
Bethlehem was the first Swedish Church in Grand Rapids and has met in various locations downtown Grand Rapids in its 151 years of ministry. We are now centered on the corner of Commerce and Bartlet Avenues in the beautiful and diverse Heartside neighborhood. We actively engage as the downtown ELCA congregation in vital ecumenical work alongside of other downtown churches. Feel free to join us in sharing the good news of great joy as found in the story of Jesus Christ!
The roots of the church go back two thousand years ago where followers of Christ were emboldened and empowered to share God’s love with everyone. While we center our community in Heartside, we are also constantly sent into this wider world to be the presence of Christ and impact all of creation with God’s grace, mercy, and peace. Creating a loving, welcoming, and inclusive community in Christ’s name is an essential priority so that we, together, can be sent forth as agents of reconciliation.
View our most recent worship service here, or click below to view other worship-related videos that Bethlehem Church has posted. Services are also streamed live on the church’s Facebook page and Youtube channel.
We are excited to welcome you to the Bethlehem Church family. Whether you find yourself connected to our online communities or in-person communities, know that we are especially excited to journey with you in faith and life. Your curiosity, doubts, questions and concerns are always welcome. From our intergenerational center to our Zoom book groups, pizza Sundays, and pub theology, we’re working to build community and foster a welcoming culture throughout.